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void testRegexCapture(){ QString pattern(“(.*)=(.*)”); QRegExp rx(pattern); QString str(“a=100″); int pos = str.indexOf(rx); // 0, position of the first match. // Returns -1 if str is not found. // You can also use rx.indexIn(str); qDebug() << pos; if ( pos >= 0 ) { qDebug() << rx.matchedLength(); // 5, length of the last matched string // or -1 if there was no match qDebug() << rx.capturedTexts(); // QStringList(“a=100″, ”a”, ”100″), // 0: text matching pattern // 1: text captured by the 1st () // 2: text captured by the 2nd () qDebug() << rx.cap(0); // a=100, text matching pattern qDebug() << rx.cap(1); // a, text captured by the nth () qDebug() << rx.cap(2); // 100, qDebug() << rx.pos(0); // 0, position of the nth captured text qDebug() << rx.pos(1); // 0 qDebug() << rx.pos(2); // 2 }}
QString s = ”a=100″;s.replace(QRegExp(“(.*)=”), ”b=”);qDebug() << s; // b=100
QString s = ”a=100″;s.replace(QRegExp(“(.*)=(.*)”), ”\\1\\2=\\2″); // \1 is rx.cap(1), \2 is rx.cap(2)qDebug() << s; // a100=100
void testRegexMatch(){ QString pattern(“.*=.*”); QRegExp rx(pattern); bool match = rx.exactMatch(“a=3″); qDebug() << match; // True match = rx.exactMatch(“a/2″); qDebug() << match; // False}